Find A Coach Expo – October 5, 2013
Let’s Talk Coaches will be exhibiting at the Find A Coach Expo. We look forward to seeing you there in October!
Let’s Talk Coaches will be exhibiting at the Find A Coach Expo. We look forward to seeing you there in October!
Hello! As you know, last week we started sharing with you the 21 Day Money Breakthrough Challenge that Carmen and I are following. Here are this week’s 2 tips to elevate our businesses and our lives. Enjoy! Day 3 – Today, I value my time & energy above all else. It’s funny how we…
A lot of people don’t really understand what we do with ThetaHealing®. Here’s a brief explanation as to how we assist you in healing your pains/resistances/blockages. Let’s start at the beginning shall we. As we know through science; we and everything around us are made of energy. If we break it down: Our body is…
In this video Carmen shares how life is perfect by listening to god and your inner self. Contact us if you need help with releasing blockages that could prevent you from using the information stated in this video. You can book a session via our online booking system (bottom right of home page). We wish…
We have a testimonial review! Check it out. Thank you Jennifer for the wonderful feedback! Annie & Carmen
In this Video Vianna Stibal, Founder of the ThetaHealing® technique will guide you through the meditation walking you up to the Seven Planes of Existence-The Creator of All That Is. This is the Official Meditation brought to you by ThetaHealing®. Contact us if you need help with releasing blockages that could prevent you from using…
Carmen’s ThetaHealing® Session with Annie on releasing her fears of judgement on what she does. Cette épisode est en français. Cette semaine découvrez comment Carmen libère ses peurs de jugement sur les choses qu’elle fait en travail énergétique. Si le ThetaHealing® vous intéresse, prenez rendez-vous pour une session d’information GRATUITE en cliquant ici dès maintenant. Durant cette appel, nous travaillerons…
Disclaimer: Please note that the information on this website and provided during our sessions or seminars are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information is given strictly for educational purposes. In no way should the information in this website and in our sessions or seminars be considered a substitute for competent medical care by your physician or other healthcare professional.