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Canadian Army Run – September 22, 2013
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Why Relax
Why don’t we take the time to relax? I hear it all the time that it’s important to relax. If you don’t do it, it’s because you don’t love yourself enough. It’s because you’re putting everyone else before you. Is that really the case? Can you actually say you don’t love yourself enough? I…
Something Is In My Way
As you might have heard, read or seen 2013 was a great year for Let’s Talk Coaches. We’ve had a few changes during the year and our biggest one is having introduced an additional tool in the field of energy healing to our practice. We found over time in the coaching world that as…
Mental Health Awareness Week – May 6-12, 2013
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Making Decisions Based on What?
Hello again! Happy new year to everyone and welcome to 2012. This is our year to create the shift we want for ourselves. I have a question we need to ask ourselves to start 2012 in a strong way. Which part of our bodies do we use when making decisions in our lives? Is it: …
The Power of Gratitude
I’m curious, can you remember how young you were when your parents or someone you know, told you to say thank you when someone did something for you? Have you ever stopped for a second to reflect on what thank you really means? I came across this exerciser while watching Tony Robbins’ Emotional Flood1 segment on…